Monday, April 11, 2011

The nose knows

Molton Brown's Warming Eucalyptus Bath & Shower Therapy

I’m nervous about this post. I went back and forth on this one all week. The product itself, I love. I really, really do! It’s just that, well…..I’m about to suggest you consider gifting this product to your mother for Mother’s Day. I actually did just that a couple of years ago. And . . . Mom didn’t care for it. Oops! I love great gift-giving so it pains me to get it wrong.

But over the weekend I remembered that this blog is about me reviewing products I love. Got the love part covered. And any good review will include everything you need to know so you can decide whether or not you want to buy it, right?! Right! So here we go. . . Molton Brown’s Warming Eucalyptus Bath & Shower Therapy.

Back-tracking for a second . . . the reason I’m offering up a Mother’s Day gift idea now is this:

  • Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 8th

  • This stuff isn’t super easy to get your hands on, so you may need to order it online.

  • If you want to order it, receive it, add a personal greeting card, and then ship everything off to Mom, you need this much time!

All of the above. . . that’s just what I did a couple of years ago. The Molton Brown folks are good at packaging. I was able to forgo wrapping on my end because the brown bag and bow they put the product in was lovely on its own. (Complimentary gift box when you order online.) “Mom will love this, I know!” So I thought. Bless my mother for being thankful and trying it out.

The truth came out when I was visiting several months after-the-fact. She confessed and said she knew it was a special product, she knew I chose it carefully, and knew I liked it. And then…..she gifted it back to me! All’s well that ends well!

Earlier this week when I told Mom that I was thinking of writing about this stuff but worried about the irony of the whole thing, she was quick to say, “Oh, tell them that I really wanted to like it! I loved the bottle, and it came packaged so nicely!” Cute!

So what’s so great about this stuff, aside from pretty packaging? Did you catch the name – Warming Eucalyptus Bath & Shower Therapy?! Already, we’ve set ourselves apart from run-of-the-mill bath gels! (It is considered a body cleanser/ bath foam.) And the smell is just so intoxicating! It’s great to have on-hand if you have a cold or sinus issues. Or maybe you’re just stressed out? I guarantee the aroma in a hot shower or will make you feel better!

I like to lather up my shower puff. Get my first few whiffs. And before you know it all the olfactory cells in my body start high-fiving each other as if to say, “YES! She used the good stuff today!” And the celebration lasts throughout the morning because the scent lingers, just so, on your skin.

Clearly, I L-O-V-E this stuff! But the scent is strong; not everyone will love it. A lot of people will, though! Both before and after my gifting failure of two years ago, I’ve gifted it to friends. And I know my best friend has turned around and gifted it to others.

Other people worthy of “the Therapy”:

  • It would be nice for a new mom (surely, she needs pampering).

  • Certainly for someone who’s sick.

  • Super easy for a guy to give to a friend/sibling/spouse because it’s “manly” enough looking, and thoughtful.

  • Great for a friend who works out a lot. Really great for someone who just competed in a super athletic event (like a marathon or regatta).

  • And yes, for Mom for Mother’s Day. I stand behind my endorsement.

Here’s where you find it: ($28 for 10 fl.oz. Splurge, people!)

FYI – I do not currently have this product in my shower. And there’s no reason for anyone to buy it for me. Should you accidentally hit “Qty: 2” when ordering this online, we can arrange for you to ship one to me. Cool? :)



  1. Yes!! Love this product! Great post, E - especially love the cameo by your mom.

  2. Love your blog! I think you gave me this shower gel after one of the kids was born, and you are right - it's a great gift to pamper new moms and the scent is very invigorating. Looking forward to more posts!

  3. That's right, Debbie - I did send you some. I think that was soon after I discovered this stuff. Whew - glad you liked it! :)
